Sildigra 225mg (Sildenafil Citrate)


Tablet/s 120 Tablet/s, 150 Tablet/s, 300 Tablet/s, 90 Tablet/s
Active Ingredient (Generic Name): Sildenafil Citrate
Indication Erectile Dysfunction
Manufacturer Dharam Distributors
Packaging 10 tablets in 1 strip
Strength 225mg
Delivery Time 6 To 15 days


Availability: In Stock

Available Options:

Sildigra 225mg

Sildigra 225mg is a medicine that can be very helpful to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in males. It is a PDE5 inhibitor that works by increasing the flow of blood to the penis, allowing for a firm and prolonged erection while having sexual stimulation.

Sildigra 225mg is a high-dose version of other Sildigra dosages like Sildigra 100 and Sildigra 75. It depends on the problem being treated and also the age of the patient. So use it accordingly and don’t overuse it or don’t take the wrong dosage.

Sildigra 225mg contains the principal active ingredient sildenafil citrate. PDE5, an enzyme that destroys cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), a substance that relaxes muscles that are smooth and improves blood flow to the penile region, is inhibited. Sildigra 225 mg inhibits PDE5, allowing for increased cGMP levels and enhanced blood circulation and erectile function.

When taking Sildigra 225mg, it is crucial to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare professional. The medicine is frequently administered orally with a glass of water for 30 minutes and taken 1 hour before having sexual activity. The effects might last from 4-6 hours, allowing you to enjoy a pleasurable sexual session.

It is vital to remember that Sildigra 225mg should only be used once per 24 hours. Excessive dosing might raise the likelihood of suffering unpleasant side effects or problems. Sildigra 225 mg, like any other medicine, may produce negative effects. Headache, face flushing, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, and dizziness are common adverse effects. These adverse effects are often modest and transient, and they go away once the medication is metabolized by the body. 

Sildigra 225mg should be used with care or avoided by certain people. People who have pre-existing medical disorders such as cardiovascular disease, liver or renal illness, or a history of stroke or heart attack may be more susceptible to side effects.

Why You Must Consider It?

There are various compelling reasons to use Sildigra 225mg for the healing of erectile dysfunction (ED). To begin with, it is an effective therapy for ED, assisting men in achieving and maintaining erections during sexual stimulation.

Numerous studies have found that the medication’s mode of action, boosting blood flow to the penis, has beneficial benefits. Second, Sildigra 225mg is convenient since it is available in tablet form, making it simple to take orally with a glass of water.

Its relatively early commencement of effect, 30-60 minutes before sexual activity, allows for spontaneity in intimate times. Finally, the effects of Sildigra 225mg might last 4-6 hours. This extended period can lead to a more gratifying and rewarding sexual encounter.

Furthermore, Sildigra 225mg can assist men with ED regain confidence and self-esteem, addressing the psychological effect of the illness. Finally, when taken as indicated, Sildigra 225 mg has a well-established safety profile, offering confidence to those considering its use.

However, due to your medical history and any underlying health concerns, it is critical to check with a healthcare practitioner to assess its appropriateness.

Some Interesting Insights About it:

Sildenafil Citrate:

Sildenafil citrate is a regularly used medicine to heal a disease called erectile dysfunction (ED) in males. When it comes to the phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor class of medications. Sildenafil citrate works by blocking the enzyme PDE5 from degrading cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which promotes muscle relaxation to smooth and increased the flow of blood in the penile region.

Sildenafil citrate is a drug that helps to maintain greater levels of cGMP by inhibiting PDE5, allowing for enhanced blood circulation throughout the penis and improving the attainment and maintenance of an erection during sexual stimulation.

This medicine has undergone thorough research and is beneficial in helping men with ED restore sexual function. It is crucial to remember, however, that sildenafil citrate is not an aphrodisiac and does not promote spontaneous erections; sexual stimulation is still required for the prescription to perform properly.

Overall, sildenafil citrate has been a helpful therapy choice for people with ED, increasing their sexual experiences and overall quality of life.

How does it work?

Sildigra 225 mg contains the ingredient as its main called Sildenafil citrate, a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor medication. It is used by suppressing the PDE5 enzyme’s action in the body.

During sexual stimulation, the release of nitric oxide (NO) in the penis results in the building of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). cGMP relaxes the smooth muscles in the vessels of the blood of the penis, boosting the flow of blood to the erectile tissue and promoting an erection.

However, the enzyme PDE5 degrades cGMP, making it difficult to establish and sustain an erection. Sildigra 225mg prevents the breakdown of cGMP, allowing it to build and maintain its effects via blocking PDE5.

PDE5 inhibition makes more cGMP accessible for muscle relaxation of the muscles that are smooth and enhances the flow of blood to the penis. This increased flow of blood aids in the attainment and maintenance of an erection, therefore improving erectile function in men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED).

It should be noted that Sildigra 225mg requires sexual stimulation to be effective. The medicine does not create erections on its own, but it helps improve the body’s natural reaction to sexual stimulation, allowing men with ED to attain good erections.

How should I get it?

It’s crucial to speak with a medical expert, usually a doctor or a certified prescriber, before obtaining Sildigra 225mg. They will assess your appropriateness for the drug by reviewing your medical history and, if required, doing a physical check.

It is essential to be completely honest about any present and past medical conditions, prescription drugs, allergies, cardiovascular issues, liver or renal illness, and ED treatment experiences during the consultation. This information will enable the medical expert to decide if Sildigra 225mg is suitable for you and whether any special dose adjustments or safety measures need to be taken.

Side Effects:

Like any drug, Sildigra 225 mg may have unwanted consequences for certain people. Both the severity and frequency of these adverse effects might vary. It’s crucial to be aware of potential side effects and to speak with a doctor if you have any unsettling symptoms. Sildigra 225mg side effects might include the following:

  • Headache
  • Facial flushing
  • Indigestion and gastrointestinal disturbances
  • Nasal congestion
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Vision changes (rare)


There are significant dangers and precautions to take into account when using Sildigra 225mg, even though it can be an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). These consist of:

  1. The blood pressure may temporarily drop after taking 225mg of Sildigra. Sildigra 225mg should not be used if you have a history of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease, stroke, or low blood pressure. Instead, you should discuss this with a healthcare provider.
  2. Sildigra 225mg shouldn’t be taken concurrently with drugs that include nitrates (nitroglycerin, for example) or alpha-blockers (doxazosin, for example). A considerable reduction in blood pressure can result from the combination, which is potentially harmful.
  3. When using Sildigra 225mg, those with poor liver or renal function may need dosage changes or closer monitoring. Your medical history and any associated problems should be brought up with your healthcare provider.
  4. While using Sildigra 225mg, drinking alcohol or grapefruit juice may raise your chance of experiencing adverse effects or reduce the efficacy of the drug. During therapy, it is advised to avoid or consume alcohol and grapefruit juice in moderation.


How to Buy It Online?

You can look for reliable online pharmacies or sites that sell prescription drugs to purchase Sildigra 225 mg online. Verify the online pharmacy’s requirements for a legitimate prescription and the appropriate security measures it has in place to safeguard your personal and financial information. It is crucial to exercise caution and only make purchases from reputable vendors.

Are its drugs safe?

When used as directed by a medical expert, Sildigra 225 mg is typically safe. To guarantee the safety and appropriateness of any new drug based on your unique health profile, you must first speak with a healthcare expert. To reduce potential hazards and maximize the therapeutic effects of the drug, adhere to the recommended dosage and directions.

How effective is it?

Many men’s erectile dysfunction (ED) can be effectively treated with Sildigra 225 mg. Individual responses, psychological variables, and underlying health concerns can all have an impact on efficacy, which can vary from person to person.

What would happen if you skip a dose of this medicine?

It is often advised to take the missed dosage of Sildigra 225 mg as soon as you recall it. To make up for a missed dosage, it’s crucial to avoid taking two doses at once. Overdosing on medication might raise the chance of adverse effects.

Is it safe Medicine Again Covid-19?

Sildigra 225 mg should not be used for COVID-19 prevention or treatment. Specifically for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. If you have any concerns or questions about COVID-19 or any other health-related issues, you must consult with a medical professional.

What is the most effective method of taking it?

Following the recommendations given by your healthcare provider is the most efficient way to take Sildigra 225 mg. Typically, it is ingested with a glass full of water around 30 to 1 hour before having or engaging in sexual activities. Before using Sildigra 225 mg, it’s crucial to avoid high-fat meals because they could make the medication take longer to start working.



120 Tablet/s, 150 Tablet/s, 300 Tablet/s, 90 Tablet/s

Active Ingredient (Generic Name):

Sildenafil Citrate


Erectile Dysfunction


Dharam Distributors


10 tablets in 1 strip



Delivery Time:

6 To 15 days

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